Planning Spring Celebrations? Read this!

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As announced by President Crow on March 29, spring commencement will be held in a virtual format and colleges will be hosting small, in-person celebrations for graduates. These celebrations are still required to adhere to ASU’s Guidelines for In-Person Events and Meetings. Here are some highlights to remember when planning these small gatherings:

No more than 50 people, including staff and faculty may be in attendance at a time.

Food and beverages are not permitted to be served or consumed in groups at this time. If you would like to serve food, you are permitted to offer grab-and-go options to attendees as they leave the event. 

Only ASU faculty, staff, and students are allowed at in-person events.  Non-ASU community members, alumni, and family members are not permitted to attend events in-person but may attend events virtually. 

All in-person events must be submitted through the Special Event Registry

Dean Approval is required, make sure to include this in the Supporting Documents

While filling out a Special Event Registration, it is essential to be as detailed as possible. Below are some tips regarding how to best provide details.

Event information  

Explain the purpose of the event and the details of how it will be executed. This section will help the Cross-Functional Event Team and safety teams better understand what your event is all about.

Example: The purpose of the Green Devils event is to raise awareness about practices that are good for the environment. Participants at this event will play games and learn trivia related to sustainability at different stations of this event. Activities will range from learning about the value of reusable grocery bags to planting a succulent to take home in a repurposed container. All activities will be spaced more than 6 feet apart to allow for proper social distancing.  

Contact information

Keep in mind that an ASU coordinator is required to be present for the entirety of the event to monitor safety protocols. For student organizations, the advisor is required to be present for the full duration of the event.

Safety plan

RSVP & check-in: It is important that you gather attendee information through digital/electronic means that can be accessible by multiple people in case of exposure management is needed. Ask your attendees for their full name, phone number, and email, and students include their ASU ID number. Touchless check-in is preferred. 

Room details: Be sure to ask the venue what the previous and current room capacities are when you reserve your space as this information is required on the event registry.

Attendee arrival and departure plans: Event coordinators need to understand how the event attendees will maintain safe physical distancing upon entering and exiting a space. In these sections, confirm that there will not be over 50 people at the event at any given time.

Example: We are anticipating 80 guests in total, but event coordinators will be monitoring the entrance and exit to ensure that there are no more than 50 people in the space at any given time.

Health protocols: To get you started on details to include for each of the health protocols, below are some questions you should ask.

  • Social distancing – How will you communicate safe distances during the event (markers on the ground, tables/chairs placed six feet or more apart, stanchions, etc.)? Will on-site staff monitor attendees for safe distancing?
  • Mask wearing – Masks are required for all events; how will you monitor and communicate that attendees must wear one? Will you have extra masks available for those who may need one? What will your protocol be if an attendee is not wearing a mask?
  • Hand and surface sanitizing – What are your plans for hand sanitizing (hand sanitizer at entry and exit points, a bottle of sanitizer on each table, etc.)? How will tables, chairs, or other shared items (such as a podium or microphone) be sanitized?
  • Other safety plans – Do you have plans to require a negative test for attendees within 1-3 days of the event? Will people be invited to attend the event at specific times to maintain an attendance of 50 or less? Are there any other safety precautions you are taking?


Confirm that food is being offered to attendees as they leave the event. Be sure to include details on how food will be distributed. Make note that you are not promoting the option of gathering to eat the items provided.

Example: Food will be served as students leave the event. After students receive their to-go snack box from catering, they will exit the event.


If you have any questions about planning a safe event or submitting a Special Event Registration, please register for our webinar on April 6th or contact the Office of University Events and Protocol.

Authored on

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 1:10 PM