Virtual Events - Zoom and ASU Resources, Part 1

Thu, 05/28/2020 - 14:00
Seth Levine, UTO

Entering into our new digital world hasn’t been easy but here at ASU, we have an incredible amount of support staff to lean on.  We have compiled resources in 5 areas below to begin the journey into virtual meetings and events as well as some of the ways UTO can assist us as event professionals. 

1. Last week Seth Levine from UTO presented a webinar dedicated to ASU Virtual Event Resources where he shared his most effective tips, resources, platform comparisons, and answered your questions. 

2. This training is an excellent resource to master basic and intermediate Zoom skills. If you are new to Zoom, it is recommended you watch all the sections. However, if you are more familiar with the system Sections 2 and 4 can equip you with tools to manage virtual meetings and events (including polls, breakout rooms, and taking control of a participant’s screen). 

Linked in Learning – Stay Connected with Zoom meetings

3. Customize your Zoom Background

4. While this slide deck addresses how to create video content for virtual commencement, slides 6-19 offer valuable insight on setting the stage, setting your camera, and test runs that can be applied to all virtual event speakers.

 5. Setting the stage for your video has become one of the most talked-about “I wish I would have known” topics from those sharing what they learned after producing their first virtual event.  This article addresses the most effective external devices, the best shirt choice for hosts, and presentation tips. 

Be sure to join us for our next webinar on June 18th for a presentation and chat with ASU approved vendor Marx Productions.  We will learn how they are equipped and working with clients to produce virtual events, conferences, and more.  Keep an eye out for the registration link next week.